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Description: Religious Inspirational Quotes | Funny Religious Quotes | Religious Quotes From the Bible | Christian Religious Quotes | Quotes About Life | Religious Quote Tattoos | Quotes About the Bible | Religious Quotes About Strength

If u don't know how u got on this planet earth & u don't know why u're here on planet earth & u don't know where u're going when u take ur last breath & leave planet earth, that means ur name is not written in the Book of Life & u are on the path to death in hell forever because u have been deceived & tricked & trapped & blinded & tortured without u even knowing it, but u know something is wrong & so u seek the truth. The truth is u sinned and did crimes against GOD. U were arrested and put into jail in earth, & now u're trying to find ur way back home. To get off of the path of eternal death in hell & onto the path of eternal life in Heaven u must realize that GOD IS LOVE & GOD is the only real living breathing CREATOR that wants to have a personal relationship with u. GOD loves u and wants to adopt u as HIS child & save u and give u eternal life & peace forever, but GOD will not force u. GOD gave u one life to choose who u will join forever. U must make the choice with ur free will to choose GOD or the devil, to choose love or fear, to choose holiness or evil, to choose Heaven or hell. JESUS is GOD'S SON & HE never sinned. GOD sent JESUS to the earth 2019 years ago & HE was worthy to die on the cross for all ur sins. HE paid ur debt that u could never pay, HE was ur perfect substitute. After 3 days dead, JESUS has risen out of the tomb to prove that the devil has no power. Nobody can defeat GOD. Anything created cannot be more powerful than the CREATOR. Death cannot stop JESUS, & JESUS lives forever & never fails. So who do u choose? Are u ready to change ur eternal destiny right now by using ur faith & have ur name written in the Book of Life? GOD hears everything u say & think & feel, nothing is hidden from GOD. U must call out to GOD to forgive u of all ur sins & accept JESUS CHRIST as ur SAVIOR. Go ahead, talk to HIM just like u talk to anyone. GOD is the most kind, loving, patient, gentle CREATOR. Confess all ur evil sins to GOD & ask forgiveness, HE's waiting to hear ur voice. Did u pray? If not, say this "Dear GOD, I know I've done wrong, & I don't want to go to hell, please forgive me of all my sins, I want eternal life. I believe UR SON JESUS CHRIST died for my sins & arose out of the grave & lives forever, & now I accept JESUS CHRIST as my LORD and SAVIOR. Fill me with UR HOLY SPIRIT power & free me from all addictions. Equip me with UR full armor right now & protect me from all evil. Come into my life & help me, change me, make me new, teach me how to follow U & obey U, & heal me completely right now. Thank U for loving me. amen." Do u feel a warmth inside u? Do u feel lighter? That feeling is a spiritual hug from the HOLY SPIRIT of JESUS & that means HE heard u & saved u. That's the most awesome thing that can happen to u! Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with GOD thru our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Then read the whole New Testament as quickly as possible because the devil will be coming at u from every angle both physically & spiritually because u turned away from evil and chose love. U must learn everything JESUS said & did. U must learn to love what JESUS loves & hate what JESUS hates, & JESUS hates all evil & all bad habits & all addictions. U are on a beautiful journey full of joy because perfect love casts out fear, & JESUS promises that no weapon formed against u shall prosper. Make new friends with the holy saints & tell them that u just gave ur life to JESUS, & avoid ur old friends who are negative & drain ur energy & try to pull u away from JESUS. Now copy & share this message. U may add to it as JESUS leads u to. Record this message into videos, # hashtags, email 2 all ur family & friends, print it & read it to people as JESUS leads u. See u later in Heaven! Love, brother Brian Stusalitus 9413748736 joinbrians at google